Jun 23, 2020
Beyond Prisons host Kim Wilson has a conversation with Dr. Erin Corbett, founder and CEO of Second Chance Educational Alliance, Inc. It's a community-based prison education program in CT. SCEA aims to provide formerly incarcerated men and women with the tools necessary to become fully engaged and contributing citizens.
Erin has spent almost two decades in education access in a number of roles. With experience in independent school admission, enrichment programs, and postsecondary financial aid, her commitment to expanding postsecondary opportunities for all populations has served as the foundation of her professional endeavors.
Kim and Erin talk about the benefits of post-secondary education for people in prison and the challenges associated with developing a prison education program. They also explore the issue of teaching without access to technology in a world where technology plays such a vital role in our lives, why higher ed in prison attracts people that fetishize prisoners and are invested in the notions of saviorism, and how the teaching authors like James Baldwin are transformative for some students.
They conclude the conversation with Erin’s thoughts on what higher ed prison policy needs to focus on, including what questions to ask.
Feature in the Swarthmore College Alumni Magazine
Dr. Corbett on Twitter: @GrandmaCheesy77
Second Chance Educational Alliance on Twitter: @SCEA_Inc_CT
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