Jun 7, 2018
Panagioti Tsolkas, an organizer with the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons, joins the Beyond Prisons podcast for a discussion of prison ecology and the intersection between the criminal legal system and the environment.
We talk about how his organization came into existence and he gives us some examples of issues they're working on in Florida (where they're based) and around the country, like access potable water, excessive heat and cold, mold and mildew, sewage problems, and toxic land use. This includes organizing prisoners in opposition to the construction of a 10,000 acre phosphate mine near their facility.
Panagioti shares his experiences engaging incarcerated people on these subjects and tells us how this organizing has been received. We also talk about how this organizing has brought environmental organizers closer to prison issues, as well as the Fight Toxic Prisons 3rd annual convergence taking place in Pittsburgh, June 8-11—an event which will include the voices of people on the inside and outside.
Follow the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons on Twitter @FightXPrisons and visit their website at https://fighttoxicprisons.wordpress.com/. Visit their Facebook event page for more information on the national convergence.
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Music & Production: Jared Ware